Saturday, September 20, 2014


Extreme Flappy's update has been sent out for review and now all thats left to do is wait.

Flappy Defense: Battle of the Birds is being fixed. There were a few glitches found during the review process so theres still a little bit left to do there before we can release it.

A new game is on its way. Unsure of what to call it but I will figure it out soon. 

Stay Tuned

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Improved Extreme Flappy

I have just finished adding all the new features to my Extreme Flappy app. The IOS update will not be released until later on in the future. (With the computer version there is a glitch that happens with the changing of the characters. this is a computer only glitch.)

This update includes choosable characters, new art, easier gameplay, and a HighScore feature.

Here is a link so you can try the new gameplay. Extreme Flappy

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Updates on updates

Flappy Defense: Battle of the Birds is still waiting for review so it might be a little while before that gets published yet. It will get there, eventually. I have been using this down time to do a few fixes and art changes in my app Extreme Flappy. There will be a few screenshots below. Also, I have been gathering art for my next app. It will be simple, but addicting. I shall post more info on that in the near future.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

About Me

So I guess I should have done this as my first post but better late than never. I am a 18 year old IOS App developer with the dream of creating apps full-time. My goal is to release Free apps that are user based. Right now I need a little more funding before I can switch my apps over to free($300 or 500 app sold). After I sell the required number of apps I will then use those funds to set up iADS. Yes, I know ads can be annoying but these will be in there to make your app free.

Now what makes me any different from other app creators? Being a avid app user (especially mass multiplayer) I, along with others, have thought of ways to make the gameplay cooler and more exciting. But since we are just gamers there is really nothing we could do. I want to make apps that anyone can put their two cents into. I always say in my blog and all my app descriptions "If you think of anyway to improve your gameplay leave a comment". Thanks to the rapid growing of technology I almost always have internet with me and am constantly checking the comments. So if you can think of ways to improve my games, don't hesitate to tell me about it. It will take some time (For the app submission process and all) but I will start working on updates ASAP.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Flappy Bird/Mario cross over

So what do ya'll think about a Flappy Bird/Mario cross over as our next game. Or should we start with a Bug Smasher game. Go ahead and pitch us you Gamesalad app ideas.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Extreme Flappy updates

I'm going to be adding a few new features to Extreme Flappy. Update will include the following.

Interchangeable characters: High score: New art: Easier Gameplay .

These updates should be done by the end of the week then it will be put up for review. So make sure to check the Apple app store every now and then.

Flappy Defense waiting for review

Our new app is finished and now waiting for review. So I decided to put up a short gameplay video so go check it out. Game play
